
Why Prefer Windows 7 Over Vista

Many of my relatives and friends completely denied to make the switch to Windows Vista when it was released. Some who purchased new machines with Vista installed immediately downgraded the OS. A few said that they would give up XP only when you pried it from their cold, dead hands. But even in the last category, many of them are impressed with what they’ve seen in the Windows 7.

Reasons why to choose windows 7 over windows vista

While some tech professionals are saying Windows 7 isn’t really all that different from Vista and indeed, one of the plus point for Vista users is that Windows 7 can generally use the same drivers and run the same applications as Vista.

Microsoft redesigned the UAC in Windows 7. Most of the people feel this on-going effort has been successful.

Microsoft has reduced the actions that prompt you making it less annoying for the users. The software giant has made several changes, but the biggest change is the User Account Control “slider” setting which results in less annoyance and more security.

User Account Control safeguards your computer against hackers and protects it against malicious software. The tool prompts the user for the permission, if any application wants to make any changes to your computer. UAC is more flexible in Windows 7 than in Windows Vista. Now, every task doesn’t require your consent in Windows 7, and if you have administrator privileges, you can easily fine tune to UAC’s notification settings from the control panel.

Vista made the left navigation pane in Windows Explorer a constantly moving target. As you navigate your mouse, it will automatically scroll back and forth.

You can avoid the auto-scrolling by dragging the pane to make it wide enough to accommodate the entire tree.In Windows 7, the navigation pane stays still, so you no longer risk getting seasick from all the swaying back and forth.

In Windows XP, you could use pretty much whatever graphics cards you wanted for multiple monitors. According to reports, that to use multiple graphics cards, you would have to all use the same driver. That meant I couldn’t use cards from different vendors together. I had to shell out a few bucks to get more ATI cards before I could use all my monitors again.

According to reports, Windows 7 has added support for multiple heterogeneous graphics cards from different vendors. Now this probably doesn’t mean you can combine ATI and NVIDIA cards in an SLI-configuration, but it sounds as if we can have our multi-vendor multi-monitor setups back.

Another common issue about Vista has been the inordinate amount of time it can take to boot up. This might not be a problem for those who leave their systems on all the time, but if you shut down your system every night, waiting around forever for it to get started in the morning can turn into a major annoyance.

A Microsoft official indicated that the company’s goal for Windows 7 is a 15-second boot time, whereas three quarters of Vista users report boot times of more than 30 seconds.


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